Massage appointments are highly valued and in extreme demand. We understand that unexpected events happen occasionally in everyone's life. In our desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:
Late arrivals will not receive an automatic extension of the scheduled appointment. In special cases, and when our schedule permits, we may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment that is running late. This will be at our discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival. The original reservation fee will be charged.
Emergencies do happen, but if an appointment is cancelled on the same day for which it is scheduled, the client may be charged in full for the time. As a courtesy, if I am able to fill the scheduled time then the fee will be waived. Massage appointments are highly valued. I appreciate your respect for my professional time and thank you for your consideration.
In the event that there is no notification and a client fails to show up at the scheduled time the client will be charged in full for the session.
Gift certificates may be purchased online and delivered immediately or schedule the day it should arrive in the recipients email inbox. If you prefer to give the gift personally, you may simply email it to yourself. Additionally, we have created a policy that allows you to feel secure that your money will never go down the drain should the certificate not be redeemed within a year.*
All gift certificates are valid for up to one year from purchase date for the named recipient on the certificate. Only one certificate may be redeemed per appointment. If certificate is not used before the expiration period, then the purchaser may choose to extend the time period, transfer to another recipient, or bank the dollar value as credit towards future services for themselves. The banked credit may only be used in increments of $25 towards a full priced massage until all credit funds have been used. Credit may not be redeemed towards any special rate or promotion.
*Due to Covid-19 all gift certificates purchased after March 2020 will be eligible for 100% refund directly to the purchaser upon request.
What People Are Saying...
Gentle music - pleasant smells - low lighting - a welcoming environment - quietness - responsive to conversation but quietness is peaceful and refreshing. Ruth's massage techniques are invigorating, varied according to my needs, and therapeutic. Aches and pains disappear over time. I highly recommend a regular massage in order to have those therapeutic benefits.
~Shirley T